Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Persistence Pays Off.

  1. firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
    "companies must have patience and persistence, but the rewards are there"

A few weeks ago, I posted about my job search. I have been continually applying and not really receiving any responses. If I would get any responding emails, it was "I'm sorry, but we have chosen to pursue a different person." Now, I totally understand that that is the way things go, but it still doesn't mean I can't be disappointed. 

This morning, I received an email asking me to come in for an interview. I am totally stoked. I know that there is a great possibility that the employer could again, go a different route, but that's okay because persistence pays off. 

I'm going to keep looking for job opportunities, and putting myself out there. I am going to keep networking, and who knows, I might even get a business card to hold on to. 

Anyway - what I've learned is that firm commitment to a course of action pays off. Not just in professional fields, but in relationships and in faith. A firm commitment to my spouse. A firm commitment to God. Have a firmness of mind. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015


This week was really long, but also great. We were finishing up our group project for MCOM. In my Information Systems class we also had a group project that was due on Monday. I had different experiences in both groups and I feel my MCOM group experience was way better - and it might have to do with the team charter at the beginning of the semester!

Creating a charter at the formation of our group solidified our work efforts. We all got on the same page and kind of let each other know that we have each other's backs. For example, I woke up late one morning we were going to meet, I sent my group a message letting them know, and the response I received was, "Don't you worry." We divided up our work evenly and we all completed our required tasks. When we met to work, our meetings were basically 100% focused (with an appropriate amount of fun). 

In my IS group, there wasn't a lot of cohesion. It seemed that some members just took everything upon themselves. So it was less of a group effort and more individual effort. 

I definitely feel like my MCOM group pulled together and became unified in our tasks - and it was an enjoyable experience.

By working together as a group, people can more effectively accomplish the required tasks. Going forward from here, I am going to do the best I can to make groups groups. That includes callings in the Church. I am the Young Men's secretary and I work with the Deacons in my ward - and I am going to do my best to unify the leaders and the Deacons to make the most of the Young Men's experience.

Remote Meeting Post

Part of our group project we needed to participate in a "remote meeting." Our group did a Google Hangout. I have had some experience with Google Hangout - my in-laws like to do one with us and my brother-in-law's family every now and then. It has always been difficult for me to do a group video chat. I feel one on one video chats are easier than group chats. If I were to participate in a professional group chat, I would prefer only one person to call into a group meeting instead of having every member of the group call in and do a chat. However, if it were a last resort - I appreciate the technology that makes it possible to connect across the world.