Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Persistence Pays Off.

  1. firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
    "companies must have patience and persistence, but the rewards are there"

A few weeks ago, I posted about my job search. I have been continually applying and not really receiving any responses. If I would get any responding emails, it was "I'm sorry, but we have chosen to pursue a different person." Now, I totally understand that that is the way things go, but it still doesn't mean I can't be disappointed. 

This morning, I received an email asking me to come in for an interview. I am totally stoked. I know that there is a great possibility that the employer could again, go a different route, but that's okay because persistence pays off. 

I'm going to keep looking for job opportunities, and putting myself out there. I am going to keep networking, and who knows, I might even get a business card to hold on to. 

Anyway - what I've learned is that firm commitment to a course of action pays off. Not just in professional fields, but in relationships and in faith. A firm commitment to my spouse. A firm commitment to God. Have a firmness of mind. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015


This week was really long, but also great. We were finishing up our group project for MCOM. In my Information Systems class we also had a group project that was due on Monday. I had different experiences in both groups and I feel my MCOM group experience was way better - and it might have to do with the team charter at the beginning of the semester!

Creating a charter at the formation of our group solidified our work efforts. We all got on the same page and kind of let each other know that we have each other's backs. For example, I woke up late one morning we were going to meet, I sent my group a message letting them know, and the response I received was, "Don't you worry." We divided up our work evenly and we all completed our required tasks. When we met to work, our meetings were basically 100% focused (with an appropriate amount of fun). 

In my IS group, there wasn't a lot of cohesion. It seemed that some members just took everything upon themselves. So it was less of a group effort and more individual effort. 

I definitely feel like my MCOM group pulled together and became unified in our tasks - and it was an enjoyable experience.

By working together as a group, people can more effectively accomplish the required tasks. Going forward from here, I am going to do the best I can to make groups groups. That includes callings in the Church. I am the Young Men's secretary and I work with the Deacons in my ward - and I am going to do my best to unify the leaders and the Deacons to make the most of the Young Men's experience.

Remote Meeting Post

Part of our group project we needed to participate in a "remote meeting." Our group did a Google Hangout. I have had some experience with Google Hangout - my in-laws like to do one with us and my brother-in-law's family every now and then. It has always been difficult for me to do a group video chat. I feel one on one video chats are easier than group chats. If I were to participate in a professional group chat, I would prefer only one person to call into a group meeting instead of having every member of the group call in and do a chat. However, if it were a last resort - I appreciate the technology that makes it possible to connect across the world.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Perseverance & Trust

I am currently applying for summer jobs and I want something more than just washing dishes at the Cannon Center...I've done that twice already. I am finding that it takes way more than I thought to get a job. I need to send out a lot of applications and do it again and again. I need to keep my head up and not get discouraged (which is easy for me to do) when I don't hear back from potential employers. 

I need to trust in God's plan that He has for me - and when things don't work out for me when and how I want them to, I can trust that because I am doing my best to follow His commandments things will work out in the end. 

This week I have started to study the scriptures more diligently than I have been. I love it! I can feel my faith and trust in God grow as I read. So I know that this will help me deal with the stresses of looking for a job. I am going to continue to read and pray and specifically as for help as I search for a summer job.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Don't Wait to be Happy.

Wednesday, when I walked into my MCOM class, my teacher was dropping some life wisdom on us. She told the few students that were there early that life doesn't really get any easier after college. I find myself thinking that after I graduate life will just magically become easier. She squashed this notion. 

After graduation comes a real job - and unlike school, you can't just skip class if you want to. Add in family and children, things definitely won't be easier. 

So her advice? Don't wait to be happy. As I write this, I am listening to "Don't Worry, Be Happy" and watching these minions laugh. Happiness is a choice. I'm not suggesting to ignore true feelings, or feelings of depression, but rather I can choose to enjoy my life while experiencing those feelings. 

The happiness that my Professor was talking about - I think it is more about feeling fulfilled. That's important because if you wait for tomorrow to be happy/fulfilled, a few years down the line you will look back and realize you missed out on a lot. That was my experience in High School.

So, what am I going to do? Don't worry...don't wait to be happy...choose to enjoy life now...continue to take steps to be more in control of my life.  

Friday, March 13, 2015

You Can Learn if You Want to!

I have had "Safety Dance," by Men Without Hats, stuck in my head this week, and it is because of the title of this post. You can learn if you want to. This week, I was preparing for an Econ exam with a friend of mine. He asked me to help him study and I took that opportunity to help him, and at the same time study so I can do well in the class too. 

We ended up spending about 8 hours studying for this test together and it paid off. I took the exam today, and I got a perfect score. 100%. I was blown away! I forgot how important preparation was. A lesson I learned on my mission was this - "Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance."

If you put your mind to it, you can learn it. And actually enjoy it. So I am going to try to change my study habits and start preparing for exams a few days before I take the test. 

Friday, March 6, 2015


Ever since I can remember, my dad has been in love with cars - specifically BMWs. He served his mission in Germany in the early 70s and has had a special place in his heart for these automobiles. And I can thank him for passing the bug onto me. 

Give me an old, semi-beat up, drivable BMW and my heart would melt with joy.

At this point in my life, I can't afford a car - but I often find myself planning, scheming, hoping, and wishing that soon, I can buy one of my dream cars. Sometimes these thoughts distract me from what is going on in the moment.

That leads me to what I have learned this week. It's all about priorities and sticking to them

What are my priorities? How much of my life should I devote to each different priority? 

Should I be longing and obsessing over old cars that I can't have right now? Should I be focused on martial arts and spending time away from home and school work? Should I sacrifice time to work at a job instead of doing school work? 

I want there to be a constant percentage of my life that I know I need to devote to church, and to schooling, and to family, and to martial arts, and to work. But there isn't. Life isn't easily segmented. And it definitely isn't held together perfectly all the time. Sometimes schooling is most important, and other days martial arts. Church activities may need my full attention at times. And that's okay. 

As long as I know what I stand for and what my priorities are, and act in such a way that leads me to fulfill my goals, life's alright. So, I am going to strive to live in the moment and be open to adjusting my focus to address the things that need my full attention at that time. As I do that, I can live a more fulfilling life - and maybe, one day, drive my dream car.